BHER félicite Bombardier pour son programme de stages
La Table ronde des affaires et de l’enseignement supérieur (BHER) salue le lancement du nouveau programme de stages de Bombardier, qui offrira des stages rémunérés à plus de 1000 étudiants...
TRAES accueille des stagiaires pour l’été 2019
La Table ronde des affaires + de l’enseignement supérieur (TRAES) souhaite la bienvenue, pour l’été 2019, à Liam Daher et Julia Göllner, les tout premiers stagiaires de l’organisme. Comme elle...
Les entreprises et les universités se réjouissent des investissements fédéraux sans précédent destinés à préparer la communauté étudiante au monde du travail
Grâce aux engagements sans précédent pris par le gouvernement fédéral dans son budget 2019, la communauté étudiante des universités et collèges canadiens se verra offrir un sérieux coup de pouce...
Val Walker, Executive Director of the Business/Higher Education Roundtable, named co-chair of the Future Skills Council
Val Walker, Executive Director of the Business/Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) has been named co-chair of the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Council. A complementary body to the Future Skills Centre...
Business/Higher Education Roundtable welcomes Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto, as new Co-Chair
The Business/Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) welcomes Dr. Meric Gertler, President of the University of Toronto, as its new university co-chair. Effective January 1, Dr. Gertler joined Anne Sado, President of...
Business/Higher Education Roundtable submits recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Across the country, an unprecedented coalition of educators and employers have come together to ensure that Canada has the most highly skilled and productive workforce in the world. We believe...
New research partnership guides help smooth collaboration between businesses, post-secondary institutions
Companies looking to build innovative technologies, capitalize on expertise and solve businesses challenges have new resources to help them work with Canada’s post-secondary institutions. Released by the Business/Higher Education Roundtable...
Une première école de commerce forme un partenariat coopératif avec l’Association canadienne pour les Nations Unies
La Goodman School of Business de l’Université Brock a annoncé être la première école de commerce au Canada à former un partenariat coopératif avec l’Association canadienne pour les Nations Unies...
Business/Higher Education Roundtable welcomes Dave McKay, CEO of RBC, as new industry co-chair
The Business/Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) welcomes Dave McKay, President and Chief Executive Officer of RBC, as their new industry co-chair. Effective April 23, Mr. McKay will be joining Elizabeth Cannon...
BHER applauds federal investments in skills development
A series of announcements across Canada this week highlights how partnerships between businesses and post-secondary institutions are equipping students with the skills needed for a competitive economy. At launch events...