Just like an in-person interview, you’ll want to research and prepare your answers to the interview questions. Check out our “How should I prepare for an in-person interview?” question. 

Ensure you know how to use the equipment needed for your virtual interview and that you test out the sound ahead of time.

For a live interview (where you interact with the employer)

  • Speak clearly and make eye contact with the camera
  • Feel free to ask them to repeat the question
  • If you have notes, keep them out of the view of the interviewer and check them as little as possible 
  • Speak slowly to allow the interviewer to take notes 

For a recorded interview (where questions are pre-loaded and you record your answers)

In addition to the “live interview tips”:

  • Read the question carefully 
  • Check the clock periodically (if one is available, otherwise try to set one up yourself) to make sure you stay on track 
  • Take small breaks in between each question (wait to hit the ‘ready’ button)
  • If given the opportunity, practice the questions once before submitting the final response.