Example of an apprenticeship experience
Brittany is studying to be a hairstylist in Alberta. Over the course of two years, she spends 1400 hours doing on-the-job training in a salon, under the supervision of a licensed hairdresser and mentor, as well as time in class. During her apprenticeship, Brittany learns the ins-and-outs of the business and gains the skills necessary to do complex work - all while getting paid.
Benefit to employers
- Tried and true method of recruiting and maintaining talent
- Apprentices that graduate into journeypersons have better health and safety performance, greater overall productivity,
- Higher sales and profit - according to the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum, for every $1.00 spent on their apprentice program, they receive a return of $1.47 back
Are you an employer who wants to launch an apprenticeship program? Contact us here.
Benefit to student
- Often mandatory part of becoming certified in the skilled trades
- Build relationship with workplace mentors
- Earn salary during education

“There’s no better way to ensure strong, effective growth in your company than to hire an apprentice. They bring fresh new ideas, giving you a competitive edge that adds value to your business.”
Bruce Sutherland, President of Wolftek Industries Inc.

Timothy Flood, President of the oldest construction company in Canada, along with his brothers and cousin, are the fifth generation of his family to operate the company started by his ancestors in 1848. John Flood & Sons (1961) Ltd. is a successful business based out of St. John, New Brunswick, that is active in commercial, industrial, institutional and residential construction.
Ensuring the continued success of his family business is very important to Mr. Flood and he recognizes the need to pass on important skills and craftsmanship from one generation to the next. To achieve this...